Too cold for water sports in Alaska?  Not if you’ve got red blood in the proper placed, though anyone who plays in the water before mid- June or after mid- August is either extra hardy or showing off.  Water- skiing as a family sport is increasingly popular in the Fairbanks and Anchorage areas, with mothers and dads, sisters and brothers taking turns at the tillers and on the skis.  The younger set of Fairbanks took to water- skiing with such enthusiasm that last summer they formed the thirty-six memer Harding Lake Water Ski Club. 

Members of the Harding Lake Water Ski Club, ranging in age from thirteen to twenty- six, got plans for an adjustable ski jump from the American Water Ski Association and spent their spare time hauling lumber, building and painting.  Then, the jump completed they were just as busy using it.  Had summer residents of the three mile long Harding Lake been apprehensive about having three dozen eager young water-skiers whish-whooshing across the water, their worries were soon quieted.  The club’s boat code and safety rules were carefully formulated to insure courtesy and prevent danger to others on the lake.  In fact, three club members saved the lives of four other persons whose boat capsized in a sudden storm.  Fortunately for lovers of summer sports, the period of warm weather in the sub-Arctic coincides with the period of little darkness, in effect prolonging the season.


Members of the Harding Lake Ski Club:


Austin Ward

Roger Hughes

Adele Kohler

Marcia Hanson  

Jeff Cook

Michael Cook

Dennis Cook

John Hajdukovich

Richard Momarts

Don Rosen

Mike Rambler

Darlene DeWree

Diane DeWree

Judy Bailey

Nancy Gillespie

Pat Haycraft

Judy Wiegman

Sue Rank

Sharon Rusing

Robert Boswell

Wallace Comeaux

Bill Bull

Willis Grieman

Tom Johnson

Jule Loftus

Doug Millard

Sam Price

Steve Rusing

Dave Teague

Kay Virgin

Eddie Wagner

Johnny Weston

Billy Kohler

Don Wizdom

Deb Carnes

Merrill Wien

Richard Wien

Ole Rohrbaugh

Louie Walker

Gerry Thomas